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motivate  ·  focus  ·  clarity


The nurturing stone. Mookaite supports and sustains you during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness. Energising Mookaite cleanses, activates and increases the energy flow through the lower chakras to provide grounding, passion and willpower, helping with decision making, especially when you are having a difficult time. It encourages versatility and helps to accept change. Keep close whilst traveling or away from home to keep your roots connected. 

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clarity  ·  concentration  ·  learning  


The learning stone. Rainbow Fluorite absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. It is an excellent learning aid. Rainbow Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. An amazing stone for studying, working or learning new skills that require hand eye coordination. 

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trust  ·  acceptance  ·  love 


The stone of alignment. Sodalite heals a troubled mind, releasing negative thoughts and behaviours that have become imprinted. This stone enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Sodalite takes emotional energy and creates harmony within, making it the perfect stone for accepting, releasing and healing. A crystal for truth and communication, gives you peace and confidence to express yourself freely. 

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cleanse ·  energise  ·  balance 


The stone of connection. Selenite creates a safe, peaceful space blocking out anything that attempts to influence your mind and is ideal for meditation practice. A very sensitive crystal that acts as liquid light from this world to the Angelic realm. The striations found on the surface serve as a pathway for spirit. The power of this stone can cleanse and charge any crystal, renewing its energy and strengthen its properties. The gentle healing qualities of Selenite can be used to provide protection from negative energy. 




support  ·  protection  ·  grounding


An excellent nurturing stone that supports one through times of stress, bringing tranquillity, wholeness, relaxation, contentment and compassion. 

It provides protection, aligning the chakras, grounding energies in the body,  and clearing electromagnetic and environmental pollution. 

Brings courage, joy, awareness and quick thinking. 

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health  ·  spiritual  ·  understanding


Shiva Lingam is powerful to stimulate the energy system of the entire body, helping to enhance your health and well-being.

Encourages you to see the uniqueness of yourself and, spiritually, to see the connection between your consciousness and the universe, helping you to understand that you are special in your own right, and overcoming the need to judge others, encouraging forgiveness and compassion. The symmetrically rounded ends of the Shiva Lingam emit energy stabilisation, increased memory, and the expansion of your overall consciousness. It unites the power of the feminine and masculine energy within us, igniting love and passion in your life, bringing a revitalised and renewed energy. 

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balance  ·  soothe  ·  transition


The transition stone. Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganisation of old behaviour and patterns. This stone gently induces change and brings deep emotional healing. It assists mentally by soothing and reducing stresses that bring on depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. A beautiful stone for those that need extra love and support with their mental health and emotional healing, it has the powerful ability to bring balance, sooth your mind and put your spirit at ease. 

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development  ·  purifying  ·  inner peace  


The stone for purifying, it amplifies, clears and cleanses the energy of an environment. Speeds up development and growth, removes stagnant energies, revitalising the body and the environment along with protecting,  grounding, relieving stress and bringing inner peace to those who possess it. Calcite promotes inner peace and spiritual connection, it supports learning on every level, clarifying the mind and facilitating the soul intentions. Known to powerfully transmute gentle, low-vibrational energy, it will amplify the positive energy within and all around you. The star for Taurus. 


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