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Pink Amethyst is a pale amethyst with a high amount of iron that gives the quartz a pink hue.

The feminine essence of this crystal remains consistent throughout all of its metaphysical properties; a balancer, healer, womb-warmer and comforter. 

It works with the heart chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra. It is particularly instrumental in opening up and activating the heart chakra for deep emotional healing after it has been deeply wounded, either through grief or trauma, whilst promoting positive self-image. 


Your intuition is increased when working with pink amethyst. This may offer you comfort during any form of sadness or grief, as you’ll have a heightened sense of truth no matter what adversity you are facing. 

It is a potent emotional balancer. During overwhelming interactions, you’ll be enabled to stay calm and collected, as it neutralises anxiety, stress and the energetic charge of the situation at hand. 


A stone of self-love, this crystal welcomes loving energy from the outside whilst cultivating a powerful connection to self inspiring self-esteem, self-love and kindness.


It brings the benefit of a fresh perspective and is a reminder that perhaps the best is yet to come in life, and that we need not live under the false impression that we know everything already. 


Polished Natural Large Terminated Point



Why crystal towers?

Point towers are considered the best energy generators because the crystals shape is the external expression of the minerals atomic structure. While a cluster spreads its energy in different direction, a crystal tower or generator direct energy in a specific direction, which can be fantastic for meditation.

Pink Amethyst



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